Nick-Saloman-Photo-credit-Anete-Lapsa THE BEVIS FROND

British neo-psychedelic/indie rock band founded in 1986 in London!

Through the course of their longstanding career, the Bevis Frond have become the UK's leading underground psychedelic rock band. Guitarist and creative mastermind Nick Saloman has released more than twenty five albums under The Bevis Frond name, his prolific output has seen him hailed as "a Hendrix devotee ever bit as tough and contemporary as the serrated guitar chorales of Sonic Youth and Pixies" by Rolling Stone's David Fricke.

This show is part of The Bevis Frond Euro farewell tour 2024 and a new studio album, titled Focus on Nature will be released in March.


Mojo and the Kitchen Brothers

A 5-headed omnium gatherum of eclectically inspired music freaks from Belgium cooking up a late 60s early 70s minded mix of heavy progrock soaked in psychedelia.