About the new album 'The Intrigue of Perception':
"I was prepared for another demonstration of magnetic musicianship and delirious sound-scapes that combine
the best from space-rock, progressive, jazz-rock, stoner and blues-based jam-rock, but the result actually
became more fascinating and gorgeous than I dared to imagine. The musicianship is as strong as ever, but
this time around the production's even better than before (such clarity is rare on a Belgian release), while
the main difference is the crucial addition of sax player Steven Marx, whose presence offers the band even
more possibilities. Because of the mark which he has undeniably made, the band shifted towards slightly
jazzier and prog-oriented territory, with some of the songs providing the missing link between classic King
Crimson and Pink Floyd. However, it's not that the band has forgotten how to rock. When you've visited one of
their shows, you'll know they're capable of conjuring up a massive wall of sound..."
More press about Hypnos 69's brand new one:
"... I didn't expect to hear something extra-fuckin-ordinary" MONOLITH (GR)
"... Le lyrisme et la beauté de cet "the intrigue of perception" dépasse tout ce que je pouvais imaginer... Quelque chose d'irréel et de voluptueux vient fracasser mon esprit... " - PSYCOTIC ST (FR)
"... Für HYPNOS 69 gilt dasselbe wie für Colour Haze: Sie sind einfach viel zu gut, um im Underground zu verschimmeln.
About their debut album:
Dexter Jones’ Circus Orchestra’s mix of blues, stoner, 70’s rock, folk and psychedelia is very creative and their songwriting skills are definitely way above average.
More up-tempo numbers, such as the "Reborn of despair" with the unforgettable Red Hot Chili Peppers-like chorus and the final guitar clash with the appropriate title "Pull the strings" with Maiden- six-string duels are tempered by slower, quieter tunes such as the memorable "Heirs of the doom" and the great acoustic "Some are not real".
Though the influences are there, no single entity overpowers the Dexter Jones’ Circus Orchestra groove. Singer Tia Marklund, who provides the most of the lyrics and the music, is never off-key and his top-notch vocals are warm, soothing, passionate, fresh and melodic, just as the music in general…
More press about Dexter Jones' Circus Orchestra:
"...Het gebeurt niet dikwijls dat debuutalbum dergelijke verpletterende indruk maakt en als het toch eens
voorvalt dan schieten woorden eigenlijk tekort." ROCK TRIBUNE (BE)
"… De liefde voor ware (stoner)rock zonder effectbejag, zoals die vroeger door onder meer Cream en later
door Chris Goss en zijn Masters Of Reality werd gemaakt is echt." OOR (NL)
"...Quelques riffs, quelques solos bien orchestrés et une rythmique jamais envahissante... Et des refrains qui
tournent inlassablement dans votre tête... Telle est la musique de DEXTER; Fraîche et luxuriante, coloré et
fluide.... Evènementiel....! PSYCOTIC S.T. (FR)
