American doom/drone metal/dark ambient band.
Formed in 1998 as a tribute to the band Earth and later renamed SUNN O))) after this band's amplifier brand of choice. The two founding members, Stephen O'Malley & Greg Anderson, have appeared at every concert and release under the SUNN O))) moniker, and have employed a number of guests over the years, including Attila Csihar, Julian Cope, Oren Ambarchi, Merzbow, and Tos Nieuwenhuizen. The sound of SUNN O))) is a synthesis of diverse: drone, ur, noise, metal and minimalism/maximalism.
SUNN O))) Shoshin ( ) Duo: Founders/guitarists Stephen O'Malley & Greg Anderson will perform as a duo immersed in profound valve amplification, spectral harmonics, distortion and volume. Pure and primaeval riffs of temporality, massively heavy structures of sound pressure.