Heavily influenced by psychedelia, Krautrock and even Post Rock, Liverpool UK's beloved Mugstar are in the vanguard of modern psych rock, just in case you were unfamiliar with them. Infusing their brooding moodiness, minimal psych rock mesmerism and propulsive, hypnokraut grooves with seriously psychedelic ferocity has propelled Mugstar to stand alongside such well-regarded contemporaries as Circle, Bardo Pond and Oneida. The band distils the wordless core of Hawkwind, Neu! and Sonic Youth and their highly recommended albums Sun Broken, Lime and Axis put transcendent, glistening and outerworldly sonic glory on display.

Moonward are a couple of stoner youngsters from the Diest - Leuven area. This power trio knows how to groove and swears by 'psychedelic tunes behind the smoke'. The band is influenced by Kyuss and Jimi Hendrix and their self titeled debut was recorded and produced by Dave Houtmeyers of Hypnos 69. Live they present you with mind expanding long songs.